We will be running  our first TESOL seminar - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in January 2019.

We will also be running our second DTS in July.

For more information email us at ywamsingkawang@yahoo.com

We are planning to run our FIRST DTS (Discipleship Training School) in February 2018.  It will be bilingual ie for students and staff who speak English and/or Indonesian and MULTI-CULTURAL.

Learn a second language while doing your DTS
Be a student on the next DTS
Staff the next DTS
Volunteer for a week or more
OTHER SCHOOLS for the FUTURE:  English for Missions, Indonesian for Missions, Mandarin for Missions, Hakka for Missions


Short term mission trip

Please email us for more details

The DTS is the entrance school to Youth With A Mission.  It has two phases - The lecture phase goes for 3 months.  It covers topics such as Hearing the Voice of God; The Father Heart;  Spiritual Warfare,     Submission and Authority.  It is followed by the Outreach Phase, which goes for 10 to 12 weeks.

DTS (Discipleship Training School)  Discipleship Training School adalah Sekolah Latihan Pemuridan yang diadakan dalam dua fase:  Teori dan Outreach.  Masa Teori 3 bulan adalah saat untuk mengenal Tuhan, karakter dan jalan-jalanNya (juga mengenal diri sendiri) dan Masa Outreach 10-12 minggu adalah saat untuk bersaksi dan memperkenalkan Tuhan kepada orang lain, terutama mereka yang belum mengenal Dia.  2018 adalah pertama kali  YWAM Borneo Singkawang akan mengadakan DTS.


1 comment:

  1. I want to know if you will be having TESOL this year by June or July? Hoping to hear from you soon.
